The return newspaper

Hand in

In short:

  • Approach: Create a return newspaper to give someone a welcome back
  • Time investment: 10 hours
  • Costs: 10-50 euro
  • Resources: A designer who puts the newspaper together
  • Element for success: The personal stories


  • Creativity :

  • Feasibility :

  • Result :

  • Total :


The months of maternity leave are almost over. Finally. Before the agreed date, Juwe asks her team manager if she allready can come back. That's no problem at all - please! Soon Juwe receives an invitation for breakfast at one of her colleagues' home. The rest of the team will be there too.

The Play

Most colleagues are already ready with a present on their lap, when teammanager Valerie comes in with a newspaper in her hand. The others watch her entrance intently. Why? Juwe wonders. Valerie takes a theatrical stance. She drops the newspaper on the table. “Look what I found on the subway,” she says. Nobody responds. Everyone waits as if something is going to happen. Juwe glances at the table. And again. Then she picks up the paper. "O!"

HVO-Querido has missed you

It is called The Newspaper of Juwe. The first salutation on the front page is: Welcome Juwe. And below that: HVO-Querido has missed you. How nice.
The first pages are followed by travel reports of private holidays to Morocco, Croatia and Scotland. Then updates about her clients, handy. And a comical overview of everyone's sporting activities: participation in a New Year's dive, a first introduction to aqua jogging and something about the annual football tournament with clients. In fact, there is something in the newspaper about everything that happened. Juwe has been there a little bit. What a warm welcome back.

The Front Page

The group has breakfast and Juwe can unwrap all the presents. One of these is a frame containing the front cover of the newspaper. It will hang in the toilet.

Placed by:
Kim Dijkman

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