A symbolic Christmas package

Hand in

In short:

  • Approach: Connect the Christmas package in a playful way to the method of Discus (HVO-Querido)
  • Time investment: 2 hours Weekly
  • Costs: none
  • Resources: A specially designed gift card, Christmas presents
  • Element for success: Thorough preparation


  • Creativity :

  • Feasibility :

  • Result :

  • Total :


Valerie has been thinking about it weeks in advance. The presents should be stylish, but that's not enough. It should be a Discus Christmas package. We help our clients to take control of their own lives. Someone is offered help, but is allowed to decide for himself what she or he does with it. That's how it should be with the Christmas package: everyone can choose her or his own gifts.

Packed and bagged

Valerie looks for completely different things, so that there is something to choose from: vintage cornflakes tins, special ceramic jars and traditional soap. The packages will be handed out in the tasting room of Brouwerij de Prael, right in the center of Amsterdam. You cannot get there by car. The days leading up to the Christmas drink, Valerie therefore drags large bags from the nearest parking lot to the back entrance of the brewery several times. The element of surprise is important. The day before, Valerie takes a piece of cloth and makes holes in it. She runs a rope through it. She and a colleague hang it up as a curtain.


Valerie has written on a Christmas green piece of cardboard what it means:
• Go to your team manager
On a specially made receipt she had the managers
write a personal message.
• Walk around the tables and put in six presents of your choice
your wooden box.
• Pack your box yourself.

The boxes are made of wood and are actually a kind of present themselves. It is thirty-five pieces: also all lugged by Valerie to the Brewery . Paper, tape and ribbons are ready on the last table. Everything is ready. Selecting and packing is only on the program after dinner and the speeches. Now just make sure that no one secretly looks or comes behind the curtain in advance.

The gloves are over

When everyone has packed their box, Valerie looks around. Most of it has been left on the table with gloves.
She takes six remaining presents and makes her own package. “Nice idea, Valerie!” exclaims a colleague with a beaming smile on his face.

Placed by:
Kim Dijkman

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